Jack Parsons’ Witchcraft Prophecy
Follow the link below to download a copy of my essay “Babalon Rising: Jack Parsons’ Witchcraft Prophecy.” The essay, based on a talk originally delivered at Pantheacon in 2015, appeared in the 2017 collection A Rose Veiled in Black: Arcana and Art of Our Lady Babalon (Three Hands Press), a collection of Babalonia edited by Robert Fitzgerald and Daniel A. Schulke.
The essay explores the notorious California rocket scientist’s vision of the goddess Babalon, and explores some of the influences–from pulp fiction to libertarianism to his own erotic temperament–that encouraged Parsons to both extend and significant rework Crowley’s image of the powerful Thelemic goddess. What results is a strange prophecy of the radical feminist witchcraft to come.