
Led Zeppelin IV

Originally published on March 5, 2015

Led Zeppelin IV

What folks are saying…

Ranked #32 on Blender magazine’s roundup The 40 Greatest Rock & Roll Books: “The most intellectually inspired and flat-out fun of Continuum’s ongoing 33 1/3 series of pocketbook album appreciations, critic Davis’s adventurous treatise decodes every magikal property embedded within rock’s most geeked-out masterpiece.”

“Erik Davis’s bedazzling new book-length take on the Zep’s epic fourth album is the literary equivalent of sparking the owl, crafting a sigil, cranking up a backmasked copy of “Stairway to Heaven,” and settling in for a deep chat with the collective satanic majesties of visionary rock.”

“A tour-de-force of inspired overreading, Erik Davis’s Led Zeppelin IV managed to convince me that the album that launched a billion bongloads is the ’70s answer to The Mabinogion. Davis beckons us toward a hermenuetic wormhole, into a parallel universe where Zep’s legendary fourth album is infinitely dense with significance. What can we do but follow?” — Mark Dery, author of The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink

Online Interview

Mark Dery posted a lengthy interview with Erik about the book and various matters (nostalgia, the occult, Deleuze) on his fine Shovelware site.


Erik spoke about things magickal on the podcast Thelema Coast to Coast, which tags itself “Occultism without Apologies.” Do what thou wilt.

Erik talked about Zeppelin with RU Sirius for the second episode of the RU Sirius Show. Check it out at Mondoglobo and RU Sirius Radio.