Posts tagged with ‘esoterica’

  • Religions and Spirits, Scholarship
    11 min

    The Esoteric Scholarship of Antoine Faivre

    Meet Hermes, the god of scholars and techgnostics

    Meet Hermes, the god of scholars and techgnostics

    ABSTRACT: In 1964, Timothy Leary and a few colleagues published The Psychedelic Experience, a manual for "tripping" explicitly based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead. At the core of the Tibetan materials lies the concept of the bardo, the "in between" realm of the afterlife. While acknowledging the problematic nature of Leary’s radical appropriation, this essay argues that his application of these materials to the orchestration and regulation of psychedelic experience reflected a productive reframing of the phantasmagoria common...
  • Psychedelics, Scholarship
    33 min

    The Psychedelic Book of the Dead (Paper)

    Timothy Leary and the Bardo

    Timothy Leary and the Bardo

    ABSTRACT: In 1964, Timothy Leary and a few colleagues published The Psychedelic Experience, a manual for "tripping" explicitly based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead. At the core of the Tibetan materials lies the concept of the bardo, the "in between" realm of the afterlife. While acknowledging the problematic nature of Leary’s radical appropriation, this essay argues that his application of these materials to the orchestration and regulation of psychedelic experience reflected a productive reframing of the phantasmagoria common...