Posts tagged with ‘performance’

  • Technoculture
    14 min

    It’s a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World

    Exploring Online Reality

    Exploring Online Reality

    Last spring, with the last few weeks of my thirties draining away, I drove back alone to San Francisco from a music conference in Seattle, where I had given a talk on The Tower Recordings and the paradoxes of experimental folk music. I crashed with some friends in Portland, and left early in the morning so that I could catch a Shakespeare play in Ashland that afternoon. It was a pretty attractive drive, especially once I left I-5’s rank papermill...
  • Subcultures
    16 min

    Klingon Like Me

    Travels into the Dark Side of Trekkerdom

    Travels into the Dark Side of Trekkerdom

    Last spring, with the last few weeks of my thirties draining away, I drove back alone to San Francisco from a music conference in Seattle, where I had given a talk on The Tower Recordings and the paradoxes of experimental folk music. I crashed with some friends in Portland, and left early in the morning so that I could catch a Shakespeare play in Ashland that afternoon. It was a pretty attractive drive, especially once I left I-5’s rank papermill...
  • Diary
    5 min

    Liking It, As Is

    Catching Shakespeare at the cusp

    Catching Shakespeare at the cusp

    Last spring, with the last few weeks of my thirties draining away, I drove back alone to San Francisco from a music conference in Seattle, where I had given a talk on The Tower Recordings and the paradoxes of experimental folk music. I crashed with some friends in Portland, and left early in the morning so that I could catch a Shakespeare play in Ashland that afternoon. It was a pretty attractive drive, especially once I left I-5’s rank papermill...