- Offline Archive12 min
Joe Firmage, Silicon Valley UFOnaut
Entrepreneurship and UFOsEntrepreneurship and UFOs
Late on night in October 1997, just for the heck of it, Joe Firmage decided to go web surfing. As the CEO of a major Silicon Valley start-up, USWeb, Firmage didn't have a lot of leisure time. But he had studied physics as an undergrad at the University of Utah, and wanted to brush up on some of the latest findings. So he plugged in a few searches, and soon came across a report by a Lockheed-Martin scientist asserting that... - Esoterica
My Favorite Martians
A UFO EpistemologyA UFO Epistemology
Late on night in October 1997, just for the heck of it, Joe Firmage decided to go web surfing. As the CEO of a major Silicon Valley start-up, USWeb, Firmage didn't have a lot of leisure time. But he had studied physics as an undergrad at the University of Utah, and wanted to brush up on some of the latest findings. So he plugged in a few searches, and soon came across a report by a Lockheed-Martin scientist asserting that... - Moving Pictures5 min
The X-Files
I want to believeI want to believe
Late on night in October 1997, just for the heck of it, Joe Firmage decided to go web surfing. As the CEO of a major Silicon Valley start-up, USWeb, Firmage didn't have a lot of leisure time. But he had studied physics as an undergrad at the University of Utah, and wanted to brush up on some of the latest findings. So he plugged in a few searches, and soon came across a report by a Lockheed-Martin scientist asserting that...