Posts tagged with ‘profile’

  • Religions and Spirits, Technoculture
    16 min

    Lance Daybreak’s Digital Dharma

    Surfing the Indranet

    Surfing the Indranet

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Religions and Spirits
    10 min

    The Wandering Sufi

    Into the Mystic with Peter Lamborn Wilson

    Into the Mystic with Peter Lamborn Wilson

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Quotes

    Quote 1

    But what if the medium is the message?

    But what if the medium is the message?

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Music
    9 min

    Look! Listen! Vibrate! SMILE!: The Beach Boys

    The Apollonian Shimmer of the Beach Boys

    The Apollonian Shimmer of the Beach Boys

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Esoterica
    19 min

    Dub, Scratch, and the Black Star

    Lee Perry on the Mix

    Lee Perry on the Mix

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Technoculture
    9 min

    Perl creator Larry Wall

    From divinity to programming

    From divinity to programming

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Music
    10 min

    Terminal Dreams: Voivod

    Voivod's Schizometal

    Voivod's Schizometal

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...
  • Music

    Sir Richard Bishop

    The Arthur magazine interview

    The Arthur magazine interview

    Superlatives can be lame, but Richard Bishop is one of the few post-punk guitarists who came of age in the 1980s to have achieved the incendiary prowess of a true Guitar God. Though largely unknown outside the underground, Bishop plays and improvises with an uncommon and original power. He can tantalize in a myriad of styles, he has a global juke box in his head, he can shatter the walls of sleep and chaos, and he can turn on a...