Mind and Philosophy

  • Mind and Philosophy

    De Landa Destratified

    The Liquefaction of Manuel De Landa

    The Liquefaction of Manuel De Landa

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Descartes and the Matrix

    Cogito in the Matrix

    Cogito in the Matrix

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    7 min

    Deleuze & Guattari’s What is Philosophy?

    D&G's "virtual philosophy"

    D&G's "virtual philosophy"

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    5 min

    Futurism and Its Discontents

    The business of envisioning the future should not be a business but a calling

    The business of envisioning the future should not be a business but a calling

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Quotes

    Quote 1

    But what if the medium is the message?

    But what if the medium is the message?

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    The Matrix and Pharmacology

    Take the Red Pill

    Take the Red Pill

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Quotes

    Quote 5

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    21 min

    Polyrhythmic Cyberspace and the Black Electronic

    Roots and Wires

    Roots and Wires

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    4 min

    Baudrillard and the Information Age

    Remembering rhizomes

    Remembering rhizomes

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Slow Down

    Unfasttracking the future

    Unfasttracking the future

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Remote Control

    The car speaks

    The car speaks

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    The Omega Network

    A Teilhard Techgnosis remix

    A Teilhard Techgnosis remix

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy, Scholarship
    8 min

    Parsing Gilles Deleuze

    Professor Desire

    Professor Desire

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Bicameral Now!

    The return of Julian Jaynes

    The return of Julian Jaynes

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    10 min

    Acoustic Cyberspace

    Marshall McLuhan and the "space" in cyber-

    Marshall McLuhan and the "space" in cyber-

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Creativity, Data, and Limits

    To infinity — or maybe not quite

    To infinity — or maybe not quite

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    7 min

    This is Your Brain on Buddha

    Buddhism and neuroscience

    Buddhism and neuroscience

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    12 min

    An Interview with Francisco Varela

    Gentle bridges between Buddhism and science

    Gentle bridges between Buddhism and science

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Quotes

    Quote 2

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Ecce Robo

    Adding "subjectivity" to robots

    Adding "subjectivity" to robots

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...
  • Mind and Philosophy
    3 min

    N. Katherine Hayles’ Posthumanism

    How We Became Posthuman

    How We Became Posthuman

    You can hardly blame anyone for feeling the fear and panic that helped drive last October’s near financial meltdown. Scanning the headlines or the newsfeeds, our eyes greeted a steady pulse of bummer lingo. “Global Recession.” “Great Depression.” “Financial Collapse.” But there was another phrase I kept stumbling across, less apocalyptic certainly but still delivered with a grim fatalism, that struck me differently. The economy, we were warned, was showing signs of a significant slowdown. Slowdown? I don’t know about...