Posts tagged with ‘consciousness’

  • Media

    42 Minutes Interview

    Synchronistic Tech

    Synchronistic Tech

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Warrior Podcast Interview

    The Future of VR and other Techno Weirdnesses

    The Future of VR and other Techno Weirdnesses

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Tricksters, Dharma, and Tech

    The Side View podcast

    The Side View podcast

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Sound of Now

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Music

    Pauline Anna Strom: Profile

    Pauline Anna Strom

    Pauline Anna Strom

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Waking Dreaming Being

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Quotes

    Quote 3

    “Messages from beyond” are forms of information, and information is a trickster

    “Messages from beyond” are forms of information, and information is a trickster

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Feral Poetics

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Cosplay Shamanism

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive
    5 min

    David Lynch’s Wild Palms

    VR on TV

    VR on TV

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Space Music

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Singularity Archetype

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Consciousness Hacking

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Moving Pictures
    25 min

    An Interview with Richard Linklater

    Waking Dreams

    Waking Dreams

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Liminal Dreaming

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    The Imagination is What We Are

    Beneath the Teaching Tree

    Beneath the Teaching Tree

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Quotes

    Quote 2

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Consciousness Explorer

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Remote Control

    The car speaks

    The car speaks

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Psychedelics and Dying

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    Delusions of Normality

    Sanity, Drugs, Sex, Money and Belief in America

    Sanity, Drugs, Sex, Money and Belief in America

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Understanding Transcendental Meditation

    And Understanding David Lynch

    And Understanding David Lynch

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Diamond Truths

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Bicameral Now!

    The return of Julian Jaynes

    The return of Julian Jaynes

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Into the Muck

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Hacking the Self

    Talking Peterson, Harris, and Religion

    Talking Peterson, Harris, and Religion

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Perception Hacking

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    You Are Soaking In It

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Technocultures of Consciousness

    A Consciousness Hacking talk

    A Consciousness Hacking talk

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    Wake Up and Dream

    A talk at Burning Man 2008

    A talk at Burning Man 2008

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Terra Nova

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    The Power of Nightmares

    Wef's Scary List from Beeb

    Wef's Scary List from Beeb

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Deconstructing Yourself

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Imaginal Landscapes

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast


    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Black Rock City 2018

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Quotes

    Quote 1

    But what if the medium is the message?

    But what if the medium is the message?

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    Synchronicity for the Day

    Rainbow Gathering flashback

    Rainbow Gathering flashback

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Quotes

    Quote 4

    It is too close, too far-out, its sacred transmissions too muddled with the scandalous grit of its concrete historical unfoldment

    It is too close, too far-out, its sacred transmissions too muddled with the scandalous grit of its concrete historical unfoldment

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Shots of Awe Interview

    Techgnosis in the Age of Experience Design

    Techgnosis in the Age of Experience Design

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Moving Pictures


    Dreaming the Machine

    Dreaming the Machine

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Zen of OBEs

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    Lovecraft on NPR

    To The Best of Our Knowledge podcast

    To The Best of Our Knowledge podcast

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy
    7 min

    This is Your Brain on Buddha

    Buddhism and neuroscience

    Buddhism and neuroscience

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    Keep the Portal Open

    The Reality Sandwich Interview

    The Reality Sandwich Interview

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Dialogue Mind

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy
    12 min

    An Interview with Francisco Varela

    Gentle bridges between Buddhism and science

    Gentle bridges between Buddhism and science

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Mind Change

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Quotes

    Quote 5

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Articles and Essays

    The Flower Garland Sutra

    Psychedelic jewels and skillful means

    Psychedelic jewels and skillful means

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Sex Positive Culture

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Transformative Teaching

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Articles and Essays

    Nog reissue

    Please lose yourself in this book

    Please lose yourself in this book

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Articles and Essays

    Hölderlin’s Odes and Elegies

    Translated by Nick Hoff

    Translated by Nick Hoff

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Higher Intelligence

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Convivial Chaos

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy

    Descartes and the Matrix

    Cogito in the Matrix

    Cogito in the Matrix

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Sound and Consciousness

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Media

    The Next Billion Seconds

    The Next Billion Seconds podcast

    The Next Billion Seconds podcast

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Long Conversation

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Meditation Apps

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Politics of Synchronicity

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Art and Design
    8 min

    Experience Design

    And the Design of Experience

    And the Design of Experience

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Complexity and Consciousness

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast


    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Heart of the Hereafter

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Offline Archive

    TechEmergence Interview

    Techgnostic Reflections Today

    Techgnostic Reflections Today

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Robots on Acid

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Mind and Philosophy

    The Matrix and Pharmacology

    Take the Red Pill

    Take the Red Pill

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast


    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Liminal Mind

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Big Dreams

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    Spiritual Drawing

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Articles and Essays

    Mind the Gap

    Jeff Warren's The Head Trip

    Jeff Warren's The Head Trip

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    DIY Magic

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).
  • Expanding Mind Podcast

    The Polar Cosmos

    Expanding Mind

    Expanding Mind

    A conversation with my wife Jennifer Dumpert about collaborative dreaming, iPad skrying, meditation, play, the problem with interpretation, and her new bookLiminal Dreaming: Exploring Consciousness at the Edges of Sleep (North Atlantic).