Archive for 2007

  • Moving Pictures


    Kyle Silfer's expanded machinima

    Kyle Silfer's expanded machinima

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Media

    To the Best of Our Knowledge

    Mapping the Imagination

    Mapping the Imagination

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    George R. Stewart’s Earth Abides

    Post-Apocalypto 3

    Post-Apocalypto 3

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Articles and Essays, Esoterica

    Phantasy Island

    Stanzas by Giorgio Agamben

    Stanzas by Giorgio Agamben

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Quotes

    Quote 4

    It is too close, too far-out, its sacred transmissions too muddled with the scandalous grit of its concrete historical unfoldment

    It is too close, too far-out, its sacred transmissions too muddled with the scandalous grit of its concrete historical unfoldment

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Subcultures

    The Dreamspell Calendar

    Jose Argüelles' Telektonon

    Jose Argüelles' Telektonon

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Moving Pictures

    The Gaahl!

    A black metal moment

    A black metal moment

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    PKD Cover art

    My guest post to David Gill's PKD blog

    My guest post to David Gill's PKD blog

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    My Day on Dartmoor

    The author slogs through Britain's wettest summer in centuries

    The author slogs through Britain's wettest summer in centuries

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    Wind Chimes

    A meditation on sonic torture

    A meditation on sonic torture

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Rudy Wurlitzer’s Flats

    Post-Apocalypto 1

    Post-Apocalypto 1

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Esoterica

    Paracelsus in the World

    Renaissance Magic and Science

    Renaissance Magic and Science

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Arena of the Gods

    The Overlords Return

    The Overlords Return

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Nina Nastasia and Jim White

    Listening to musicians listening

    Listening to musicians listening

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Roy Christopher’s Techno-dialogues

    The interviews

    The interviews

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    On the Road 1

    Wandervogelin' in Berlin

    Wandervogelin' in Berlin

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Amon Amarth Live

    Viking Metal's Rules

    Viking Metal's Rules

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Articles and Essays

    Maqroll the Magnificent

    Latin American sea shanty tales

    Latin American sea shanty tales

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Articles and Essays

    The Green Knight Grins at You

    Reading the Round Table tale

    Reading the Round Table tale

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Quotes

    Quote 2

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    There is a difference between psychedelic experiences and psychedelic people

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Led Zep’s Mofoship

    Levee me stairways!

    Levee me stairways!

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Psychedelics

    Yuri’s Night

    NASA meets Burning Man

    NASA meets Burning Man

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Quotes

    Quote 1

    But what if the medium is the message?

    But what if the medium is the message?

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Quotes

    Quote 5

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    Terminal. What other journey, you might ask, begins at the end?

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Black Moth Super Rainbow

    Fellini, analog, and the new Dandelion Gum

    Fellini, analog, and the new Dandelion Gum

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Elizabeth Hand’s Slipstream Fiction

    Two books of fantastic realism

    Two books of fantastic realism

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Religions and Spirits

    Mormons are Cool

    The most cosmic American religion

    The most cosmic American religion

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Saharan Guitars

    Dune rock and other gritty dreams

    Dune rock and other gritty dreams

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Kiran Over Mongolia

    An enchanting semi-doc about Kazakh eagle-lords

    An enchanting semi-doc about Kazakh eagle-lords

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Listening in on Christian rock

    From the Danielson Famile to Relient K

    From the Danielson Famile to Relient K

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Subcultures

    Burning Men, Part 2



    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Oliver Vernon

    A New York opening for this fantastic visionary artist

    A New York opening for this fantastic visionary artist

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    On the Road 2

    Rome's great pagan building

    Rome's great pagan building

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Religions and Spirits

    Amma’s Cosmic Squeeze

    My journey into the arms of Amma the hugging saint

    My journey into the arms of Amma the hugging saint

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Terence McKenna’s Ex-Library

    A great book collection goes up in smoke

    A great book collection goes up in smoke

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    On the Road 3

    Italy's hermetic gardens

    Italy's hermetic gardens

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Grotesque Animal’s Of Montreal

    Breaking down the breakdown song

    Breaking down the breakdown song

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Fantastique Symphony

    MTT doses the hall with Belioz

    MTT doses the hall with Belioz

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    Diamond Solitaire

    Washing Beets with God

    Washing Beets with God

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    The Freaky Origins of Christian Rock

    70s Christian rock

    70s Christian rock

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Pop goes the EMP Conference

    Music Geekery in Seattle

    Music Geekery in Seattle

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Quotes

    Quote 3

    “Messages from beyond” are forms of information, and information is a trickster

    “Messages from beyond” are forms of information, and information is a trickster

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    The Writing of Delirium

    This is my brain on flu

    This is my brain on flu

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Sir Richard Bishop

    The Arthur magazine interview

    The Arthur magazine interview

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Miranda Mellis’ The Revisionist

    Post-Apocalypto 2

    Post-Apocalypto 2

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Gurdjieff’s Music

    Gurdjieff and de Hartmann's Orchestral Music

    Gurdjieff and de Hartmann's Orchestral Music

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Harlan Builds a Portal

    Sacred Geometry on the Playa

    Sacred Geometry on the Playa

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    P.G. Six’s Slightly Sorry

    The great PG Six's rock record

    The great PG Six's rock record

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Articles and Essays, Music

    Joe Boyd, Superproducer

    White Bicycles: Making Music in the 1960s

    White Bicycles: Making Music in the 1960s

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    Call-in Prayer Centers

    The Demon Prayer Line

    The Demon Prayer Line

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Articles and Essays

    Mind the Gap

    Jeff Warren's The Head Trip

    Jeff Warren's The Head Trip

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Media

    Burning Man Escapade

    A Dramatic Reading

    A Dramatic Reading

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Art and Design

    The Oracle Complex

    Delvin Solkinson's Oracle Deck

    Delvin Solkinson's Oracle Deck

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music

    Guilty Viking Pleasures

    Pumping Iron Maiden

    Pumping Iron Maiden

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Diary

    Bardo Flight

    The hidden lessons of a flight that skirted hell

    The hidden lessons of a flight that skirted hell

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Subcultures

    Burning Men

    Part One: CHAOSMOS

    Part One: CHAOSMOS

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Music


    Wolves in the Throne Room

    Wolves in the Throne Room

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Subcultures

    Au revoir La Contessa

    Burning Man's Spanish Galleon on a Bus

    Burning Man's Spanish Galleon on a Bus

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Offline Archive

    San Francisco Soundscapes

    Sound art at Recombinant Media Labs

    Sound art at Recombinant Media Labs

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Moving Pictures

    Frisbee. The Man

    The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher

    The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...
  • Technoculture

    My Data Crime

    Copyrights and Crime

    Copyrights and Crime

    On December 10, the great lizard lords Led Zeppelin took to the stage one more time, and they rocked the planet. I had signed up for the raffle like everyone else, and not gotten tickets like everyone else. Because I wrote a book about the band (the 33 1/3 volume on the nameless fourth record), and write about music for a “living,” I thought I had half a chance of getting paid to cover the event—or should I say, the...